If you are selling your home, why not consider getting a pre-listing inspection. Pre-listing inspections provide extensive value to the seller. It provides you the seller, peace of mind knowing what defects and safety items your home may have and give you a chance to address them prior to a buyer’s inspection. Having defects taken care of prior to the buyer’s inspection reduces the likelihood of the buyer walking away from the deal due to the homes concerns. As the seller that insures your home will be sold that much quicker giving you peace of mind to move forward with your new home purchase.
Reasons for a Pre-Listing (Seller) Inspection:
It can be very advantageous for the seller to engage the service of a certified professional home inspector before placing your property up for sale. It can be very easy for someone living in the home to overlook numerous defects. When these defects are brought up to the buyer of the property during their inspection it can often scare them out of buying the home. A pre-listing home inspection can identify these items prior to your house being inspected by the buyer, allowing you to greatly reduce the likelihood that your buyer is scared away by safety or other substantial concerns. As the seller, there is a good chance you are going to have to address safety issues before you sell anyway, so it makes sense to take care of those concerns before they end up costing you the sale.